Social and Psychological Stigma, Disadaptation and и Hetero-aggression

Anatoliy A. Yavorskiy, Ruslan A. Yavorskiy
Year: 2015
UDK: 159.9
Pages: 10-18
Language: russian
Section: Social, psychological and personal foundations of social relations, communication and and social management
Keywords: disadaptation, aggression, hetero-aggression, psychic anomalies, personality disorders, hysterical responses, explosive responses, schizoid responses.
The article considers prerequisites and conditions for abnormal personal response combined with the loss of adaptive behaviour that takes the form of destructive, hetero-aggressive actions against immediate environment. As a rule, this form of behaviour relates to psychological disadaptation reflecting personal, individual psychological features, social participation, the overall health and physical development as well as adaptation to environment.