The Political and Social Reasons to Reopen the Negotiation of Union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches in 1334

Sergey Ja. Gagen
Year: 2015
UDK: 94:322(495)
Pages: 56-67
Language: russian
Section: Legal and political in social, state, military history of Russia and the World
Keywords: Crusades, Byzantium, Holy Leage against Turks, the Lyon Union of 1274, the Church Union, the Latin West.
The article deals with an attempt of Western powers which had created a military union against Turkish piracy in Mediterranean so-called «Holy Leage against Turks» (1332–1334) to recruit Byzantium. The political and social reasons of the attempt to reopen the negotiation of Union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches in 1334 were regarded in large contexts.