Analysis Correlation between Cyclic Nature of Russian Economy with Economies of Some European Countries, USA and Certain Eastern Countries

Anastasiya S. Yuzhakova, Alexander M. Tarasyev
Year: 2017
UDK: 339.9
Pages: 6-13
Language: russian
Section: Economics
Keywords: cyclic nature, Fechner correlation coefficient, one-factor of variance, two-factor analysis of variance.
In this article the authors analyze the relationship of economic fluctuations in the Russian market with certain countries in Europe, USA and the East. The following information was analyzed: GDP, unemployment, inflation and public debt. The presented data were processed (each indicator was divided by the maximum in its row), and the arithmetic mean value for each year was calculated. Thus, the curves for the countries: USA, Germany, France, England, China, Japan and Russia were constructed. As the instruments, the authors used the correlation of Fechner coefficient of the average value for each of the countries with the indicator of the Russian Federation. Based on the correlation analysis, an inverse relationship between the averages of the economies of Russia and other countries of the world was revealed. To clarify what economic indicator or what country economy created the basis of the above-mentioned result, it was decided to conduct a one-factor and two-factor dispersion analysis that made it possible to identify the reasons rather than to establish the interdependencies and intensity of relationship indicators. of economic fluctuations in the Russian market with the countries concerned was accomplished.