An Attempt of Interpretation of Parmenides’ Philosophy
Maxim A. GoosevYear: 2017
UDK: 1(091)
Pages: 98-104
Language: russian
Section: Philosophy
Keywords: being; non-being; possible; impossible; the one; plurality; motion; truth; opinion;Parmenides; Plato; Aristotle
The article analyzes the philosophy of Parmenides basing on a new translation of fragments of
the Eleatic Philosopher’s poem by the author of this article. Parmenides concludes that only the
unchanged exists, because he suggests plurality and motion to be unthinkable. But doesn’t Parmenides himself think of plurality? How could he write a poem believing that plurality and motion are unthinkable? Furthermore, it remains unclear why Parmenides says about the opinions
of the mortals after the truth was already given. The article gives the interpretation of Parmenides’ philosophy, which resolves these difficulties. Goddess Δίκη (Justice) uses a concept of
Truth for designation of reality, but not for designation of knowledge about reality. «The opinions of the mortals» are opinions not because they are unreliable, incomplete, or untruthful
knowledge but because they are the knowledge about reality but not «reality» itself.
But what is «the reality itself»? The reality cannot exist in the past; it cannot be in the future,
because there is the present. But we can notice the present (it is the first part of the Parmenides’
thesis: «being exists…») if we assume the existence of the past and the future, but past and future do not exist (it’s the second part of the Parmenides’ thesis: «…non-being doesn’t exist»).