Mechanism for Formation of Remunerations of Investment Fund Managers as an Element of Corporate Governance
Alexander A. MetzgerYear: 2017
UDK: 331.2
Pages: 25-37
Language: russian
Section: Economics
Keywords: investment fund, agency problem, corporate governance, model of corporate governance, effective market, outsider model, insider model, remuneration of management company, active and passive management of fund’s portfolio, benchmark, fixed remuneration, variable remuneration from the result, index fund.
The article studies methodological issues concerning the formation of remuneration of management companies of investment funds. It shows a specific resolution of the conflict of interests between the principals (investors) and agents (managers) in the conditions of investment corporations. The author presents a hypothesis about the preference of fixed forms of remuneration or variable remuneration from the result, depending on the basic conditions of investment fund functioning. He proposed to consider the following conditions: the degree of efficiency of the investment asset market, the level of investment qualifications, active or passive style of portfolio management, as suitable for the purpose of formation of remuneration.