As case of the state registration has turned into case of protection of freedom of conscience (European Court of Human Rights, Kimlya and Others v. Russia (Appl. No. 76836/01, 32782/03) judgment of 1 October 2009)

Aidar R. Sultanov
Year: 2018
UDK: 341.231.14:351.752
Pages: 80-86
Language: russian
Section: LAW
Keywords: religious association, religious organization, religious group, state registration, discrimination, Convention on protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, European Court of Human Rights, freedom of conscience, freedom of religions, freedom of religious beliefs, freedom of associations, religious minorities.
Registration of religious association in the Russian Federation entails many organizational and other difficulties owing to discrimination provisions in the legislation and jurisprudence, which correspond to this legislation – discrimination and violating the human rights. These provisions contradict international legal obligations of Russia including standards of the European Convention on protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Particular norms contradicting international legal obligations of Russia are excluded from «The Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations Federal Act». The vigorous human rights activism leads to gradual expansion of everyone’s rights and freedoms in the field of freedom of conscience and freedom of associations, including freedom of religious associations.