I. Kant on Coexistence of Knowledge and Belief

Gennadiy V. Boldygin
Year: 2018
UDK: 1(091)
Pages: 96-111
Language: russian
Section: Philosophy
Keywords: Kant, nature, the practical, the theoretical, cognition, knowledge, belief, rules of conduct.
The article deals with I. Kant’s attempt to solve a problem of the foundation ensuring peaceful coexistence of scientific and religious world outlooks. That was particularly evident during the scientific revolution of the New Age. He believed that principally different subject matters of theoretical and practical cognition and the consequent differences in goals, aims and methods of research constitute the base for the coexistence. The subject matter of the theoretical mode of cognition proved to be natural, i. e. not depending on anyone’s will, phenomena and processes. The practical cognition approves reasonable behavior of free persons sharing moral responsibilities as its subject matter. The result of theoretical cognition is knowledge of the qualities of the world that cannot be changed, while the practical cognition creates the belief in achieving the desired result by virtue of freely chosen rules of conduct.