Marketing Rationale for Service Company Competitive Advance Project
Marina A. Ilysheva, Oksana Iu. Iatsenko, Daria I. PatrakovaYear: 2019
UDK: 338.46:339.133:339.137.2+339.138
Pages: 28-37
Language: russian
Section: Economics
Keywords: project management, Lean production, marketing rationale, company competitiveness, segmentation, consumers core values, increase in consumer value, polygon of competitiveness, competitiveness assessment sheet
The article deals with the problem of marketing substantiation for increasing the company competitiveness by using the marketing analysis methods. First of all, the authors research the needs
and main values of restaurant service consumers, then conduct segmentation using the "nested
hierarchy" method. In the article there is also the analysis of the enterprise competitiveness, the
polygon of competitiveness and the sheet of the enterprise competitiveness concerning the competitors is made. The key problems of the enterprise were identified and marketing decisions
were made. In order to increase competitiveness, it is proposed to use non-price methods, namely, improving consumer value in the customer service process. Thus, the achievement of a competitive advantage will be achieved through service differentiation.