The Economy of the Russian Federation in 2018: Current Situation and Future Prospects

Sergey A. Mitsek, Elena B. Mitsek
Year: 2019
UDK: 338(470)"2018"
Pages: 6-27
Language: russian
Section: Economics
Keywords: Russian economy, economic growth, monetary policy, aggregate productivity, digital economy.
This article is devoted to the macroeconomic analysis of the Russian economy in 2018, which suggests that the increase in the growth rate of the country's economy is due to an increase in the volume of exports because of an increase in export prices. The noted macroeconomic stability, as well as the growth of production, easing of monetary policy and the conservative fiscal policy of the country, were factors in increasing the positive balance of payments and achieving a budget surplus. The main problems are the stagnation of aggregate productivity of factors of production and insufficient investment in fixed assets, which negatively affects the growth rate of the country's economy. The solution to these problems can serve as economic reforms and the development of the digital economy of Russia.