«You are Gypsy but we love you in any case». To the Question of Discrimination in Czech society (illustrated by attitudes to so-called gypsy pre-school-age orphans)

Sergey Ya. Gagen, Yulia Yancharkova
Year: 2019
UDK: 316.647.82(437)(=214.58)
Pages: 128-153
Language: russian
Section: LAW
Keywords: racism, multiculturalism, Czech society, Gipsy, imagined communities, nation, nationalism, discrimination, invention of nation, construction of nation, mythological nation, national identification, domestic racism, colonial racism.
The subject matter of our short investigation is some forms of verbal and written discrimination concerning pre-school age orphans (under 3 years old). Often without reasons, officials have identified them as "Gipsy" children. The authors constructed their methodological approaches based on the Philipp Sarasin’s discursive analysis and Benedict Anderson’s definition of nations as «imagined communities». We analyzed some texts of books and brochures written to help people in search to adopt a child or be a guardian. We visited some lectures and consultations for guardians because we are guardians, too. Moreover, we discussed and debated the question of gypsy children adoptions with different people, whether uneducated or well-educated, in different, often unexpected situations and places.