Comparative Impact Analysis of Various Forms of Guerrilla Marketing
Lidiya N. Swedentsova, Natalia V. KhmelkovaYear: 2020
UDK: 339.138:004.9+659
Pages: 30-38
Language: russian
Section: Economics
Keywords: guerrilla marketing, guerrilla advertising, viral marketing, outrageous marketing, hidden marketing, Ambient media, Life Placement
The article deals with various forms of marketing communications, united by the concept of guerrilla marketing. The authors revealed the essence of this marketing concept. Several cases illustrating the practical use of various forms of guerrilla marketing are given. The main part of the article is devoted to the presentation of the results of the author’s marketing research aimed at collecting the empirical material on the impact of the considered forms of partisan marketing. The authors concluded that all these forms attract considerable attention from consumers. At the same time, they may cause rejection of the advertised goods or services and not ensure the growth of companies’ sales.