The Role of F. M. Dostoevsky's Artwork in the Formation of the Concept of Sado-Masochism in the Neo-Marxist Philosophy of E. Fromm
Alexey V. Lesevitsky, Evgeny V. LyakhinYear: 2020
UDK: 140.8:316.2
Pages: 130-138
Language: russian
Section: Philosophy
Keywords: sadism, masochism, deterministic influence of society, exploitation, capitalism, cannibalism, Frankfurt school of sociology
The authors continue a series of publications in which F. M. Dostoevsky appears to be the largest predecessor of the Frankfurt school of neo-Marxism. This paper examines the influence of the work of the "Russian Dante" on the formation of the dichotomy "sadism-masochism" in the social philosophy of E. Fromm. According to researchers, the Russian writer revealed the sadomasochistic personality type in most of his works much earlier than the neo-Freudian did. The authors consider in detail the theory of the determinative influence of society on the individual and its role in the formation of the "inner world of man". In this aspect, we can talk about minor discrepancies between F. M. Dostoevsky and E. Fromm.