Sales Performance Indicators of a Trading Company Using Business Process Modeling
Valeria O. KuzminaYear: 2020
UDK: 339:338.
Pages: 6-9
Language: russian
Section: Economics
Keywords: business process modeling, performance, trading enterprise performance indicators, sales activities
The dynamism and high rates of changes in the current financial and economic activities of small, medium and large businesses are the factors that encourage commercial enterprises to constantly improve business processes within the enterprise. All this implies the formation and active development of qualitatively new technologies for financial and economic and, in particular, sales activities. They, in their turn, excel the quality of products and services, as well as the implementation of the most effective, optimal, and perfect methods of enterprise management, in general. The process of modeling the business processes of an enterprise is a highly efficient tool for searching for such opportunities that would allow us to qualitatively improve and optimize the financial and economic activities of domestic enterprises. This article discusses the main specific features of business process modeling, taking into account the industry orientation of business entities, the fundamental foundations and subsystems of a commercial enterprise. The authors will also focus on studying the architecture of business processes of business entities, which, in turn, will allow us to identify the key indicators of the effectiveness of sales
activities of a commercial enterprise.