An Anthropological Meaning of Power in N. Machiavelli’s Works
Ivan M. Ten’kovskyYear: 2021
UDK: 1(091)
Pages: 99-104
Language: russian
Section: Philosophy
Keywords: power, N. Machiavelli, ruler, man, the Renaissance, morality, anthropology
One of the first authors who placed the concept of power in the category of autonomous human activity was N. Machiavelli. Many experts consider his philosophical works as a political doctrine of building a State with the best form of government. They also perceive them as the subject matter of Political sciences. N. Machiavelli himself interpreted power as a political instrument. The author thinks that Machiavelli’s ideas are broader and more diverse than it is generally believed. They can be open to other studies as well. This paper examines the concept of power forwarded by N. Machiavelli from the perspective of philosophical anthropology.