Russian Style and Present-Day Culture

Maryana A. Ershova, Lyudmila A. Myasnikova, Anna S. Polyakova
Year: 2022
UDK: 130.2(470+571):793.3:391.2
Pages: 75-85
Language: russian
Section: Philosophy
Keywords: tradition, style, stylization, everydayness, Russian style, costume, art, folk dance, reconstruction technique, post-folk dance
The paper explores the issues of the existence of today’s folk culture through an appeal to the Russian style. The authors highlight two aspects of the analysis: everyday life and art. The problem of the inclusion of traditional Russian culture into everydayness is illustrated using the Russian costume. And the integration of Russian folk culture is discussed on the example of choreography. The authors proceed from the assertion that folk costume and folk dance have disappeared from everyday people’s life. The paper reveals ways to include folk costume into present-day fashion on the basis of stylization. Incorporating folk dance into contemporary choreography rather implies reconstruction than stylization, giving birth to the phenomenon of post-folk dance.