Modelling Financial Relations between the University and Students in the Aspect of Occupational Mobility
Alexander A. Tarasyev, Yulia A. Khandrik, Pavel S. IvantsovYear: 2022
UDK: 331.55:378
Pages: 25-36
Language: russian
Section: Economics
Keywords: professional mobility, digital transformation, labor market, labor market capacity, labor market tension, dynamic modeling, game theory, labor capital dynamics, highly qualified labor resources, information technology development
The study examines qualified labor resources, the correct distribution of which in the regional labor market allows for sustainable progressive socio-economic and innovative development of the economic system. The purpose of the work is to systematize the factors generated by the digital transformation of the market system and to form a model-methodical approach to describing the deformation of the development of employment processes in the labor market under digital transition. The study of the processes of digital transformation of the economy is of scientific interest due to the fact that the innovative development of the economic system is directly dependent on the degree of development of the labor market, the scale of professional mobility, and the level of well-being of active labor resources. Improving the well-being of young people involved in the processes of professional mobility after graduation from a higher educational institution accelerates innovative development through the participation of these personnel in the processes of digitalization of the economy.