The Doctrine of Techne in Plato’s Reasoning

Elena Yu. Pogorelskaya
Year: 2023
UDK: 1(091):62
Pages: 134-141
Language: russian
Section: Philosophy
Keywords: techne, master, being, Plato, truth, technique
This article is a search for the beginnings of the modern technogenic civilization. The modern world’s immersion in production, the “desperate technological race”, the forgetting of the origins of European civilization led to a complete blindness in understanding the essence of the technical. The main hypothesis of the research is that technology is a tradition that has its semantic roots in the ancient techne, which has its most obvious expression in Plato’s philosophy. It is Plato who raises the question of techne as a way of deducing the truth from the mystery. Techne opens up an understanding of the activity of a master who, in his talent, shows the love that releases the logos of a thing. Genius is the highest degree of mastery, and only a loving person is able to see the truth, eidos. It is in this way that techne brings the Creator into being. The gift of the Master opens the way to new worlds, he is both the guide and the creator of these paths, the Demiurge, for without the Master the way will not open. Mankind succumbs to the efficiency of the Gestell, while techne has at its origin the gentle creativity of techne.