Regulation of Labor Relations Using Digital Technologies: Issues of Legal Regulation and Problems of Practical Application
Natalya N. SlabospitskayaYear: 2023
UDK: 349.2:004
Pages: 48–54
Language: russian
Section: LAW
Keywords: employee, employer, HR electronic document flow, employment contract, changes to the employment contract, paper document, electronic signature, labor disputes
The article analyses the problems related to the application of the new norms of the labour legislation to the electronic management of the personnel documents. The need to reconcile the employee’s right to choose the method of relationship with the employer with the possibility of dismissing an employee who does not agree with the employer’s move to electronic personnel records is reported in the discussion of the employee’s right to choose how to deal with the employer. The problem of transforming the evidence base in labor disputes in court in connection with the legalization of electronic personnel documents is outlined.