The Philosophy of the Novgorod «Odinachestvo» (Unity) in the Mirror of Everyday Life: Dialectics of Entrepreneurship (According to the Research of Novgorod Letters on Birch Bark)
Anton A. Antipov, Andrey S. NikolaevYear: 2024
UDK: 101.8:94(470.24)”11/14”
Pages: 148–159
Language: russian
Section: Philosophy
Keywords: Novgorod Republic, entrepreneurship, birch bark letters, philosophy of “uniformity”, dialectical unity, innovative infrastructure
The article presents a dialectical analysis of Russian entrepreneurship, drawing upon the philosophical principles of the economy of Veliky Novgorod from the 12th to the 15th centuries, as evidenced in the everyday birch bark letters of the period. The philosophical and methodological foundations of this study are based on the dialectical approach to the Novgorod phenomenon of “unity” as a sociocultural phenomenon that constituted the entrepreneurial activity of Novgorod. This demonstrates a correlation between the development of Novgorod and the classical Western model. The Novgorod Republic, as an autochthonous space of entrepreneurship and a legitimized democracy, evolved along a conservative path to the boyar oligarchy and the retention of traditional forms of management, which led to its absorption by a fundamentally different “single” entity in the person of the Moscow state. This situation prompted reflection on Russian philosophical thought concerning the idea of destroyed democracy and its underlying principles regarding economic theory. This conclusion corresponds to the three-story structure of the Brodel economy with dialectical machinery. The research materials serve as the foundation for research into the development of domestic innovative infrastructure.