S. S. Alekseev on the Legal Future of Russia (To the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. S. Alekseyev)

Sergey I. Arkhipov
Year: 2024
UDK: 340.1
Pages: 61–69
Language: russian
Section: LAW
Keywords: legal progress, the legal future of Russia, legal ideals, criteria of legal progress, strategy of legal development
The article analyses the ideas of S. S. Alekseev concerning the potential future development and direction of the Russian legal system. The author examines the concepts put forth by the founder of the Ural School of Law Theory regarding the overarching socio-legal evolution of humanity, the distinctive trajectory of Russia’s historical development, the approach to socio-legal reforms implemented in the country, and their implications. The criteria of legal progress underlying the concept of S. S. Alekseev are highlighted: 1) meaningful criteria include the measurement and degree of social freedom of people, the consolidation and implementation of natural and fundamental human rights, universal human values in law, and the transition from authoritarianism to a world order based on legal legality; 2) Technical, legal, instrumental (increasing the level of normative generalizations in law; ensuring consistency and integrity of law; strengthening specialization and the “division of labor” between normative prescriptions; developing the structure of law; developing regulatory and individual regulation; improving security legal mechanisms). The contribution of S. S. Alekseev as a prominent ideologue and constitutional and civil code author in the Russian context is duly acknowledged.