Submissions are reviewed according to the following parameters:

  1. Consistency of the title, abstract and keywords with the content of the article;
  2. Validity of the structure of the article;
  3. Clarity of the problem statement, proposed hypothesis, methodology of the research conducted;
  4. Nature of the argumentation;
  5. Conclusions;
  6. Degree of relevance to the current literature on the research topic;
  7. Compliance of the style of presentation with the norms of academic writing.

In case the article follows the formal requirements of the journal it is passed along for the double blind review within two weeks of receipt by the Editorial Board. Authors are notified about the acceptance of the manuscripts and their reviewal.

The reviewers are chosen by the heads of the journal’s academic sections. The reviewers are recognized experts in the field of peer-reviewed material. They can be either members of the Editorial Board or specialists from various scientific institutions and universities.

Reviewing is strictly confidential, voluntary and free of charge. It is conducted within one month of receipt of the materials by the reviewers.

The review is completed in the form of answers to the items of the questionnaire on the formal parameters of the manuscript and a summary containing a qualified evaluation and a substantiated recommendation to accept or reject the article. If there are critical remarks, the author should revise the article within 3 weeks. The revised article is sent back to the reviewers.

In the case of negative comments from both reviewers, the author is sent a reasoned refusal of publication. Should the reviews be conflicting, the decision to accept or decline the article is made by the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish the article or to request its revision in accordance with the reviewers’ comments. If the article is declined, a reasoned rejection will be sent to the author.

The manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board will not be returned. The articles sent to authors for improvement and not returned to the Editorial Board by the deadline will be removed from the Editorial Board’s portfolio.

If the review is successful, the Editorial Board will send a notification to the author regarding the acceptance of the article in a particular issue of the journal.

An article that the reviewers of the journal have approved and recommended can be published during the year.

The articles to be published in the sections “Scientific Events” and “Book Reviews” are not subject to reviewing, so they can be sent in one file, including information about the authors. For undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students a review-recommendation of the supervisor or a submission from the relevant department is required. The review, recommendation or submission must be signed (by the supervisor or head of department), stamped by the organization, and submitted to the editorial board (original or scanned version via e-mail).

The authors of the submissions are responsible for the accuracy of the presented facts, data, proper names, and other information as well as for materials not subject to the open publication.

The journal accepts manuscripts for open access publication. The author(s) must agree in writing to open access publication (on the journal website, in the RSCI system and other databases) by indicating “agree to open access publication” in a letter or at the end of the article.

Submissions containing references to the materials published in the journal are welcome

Address of the editorial office: 620041, Yekaterinburg, ul. Zheleznodorozhnikov dom. 3, komn. 207, e-mail:, тел. (343) 305-50-71.