Topical Issues of Anti-Corruption Education, Public Control and Combating Corruption (A Follow-Up to the Anti-Corruption Forum of the Sverdlovsk region, 2021)

Anna B. Vuberman, Svetlana I. Glushkova
Year: 2022
Pages: 108-119
Language: russian
Section: Scientific life
Keywords: anti-corruption, anti-corruption awareness, civil society, government bodies, public chambers, public councils
The paper reports the results of the discussions at the thematic sections and the plenary session of the Anti-Corruption Forum of the Sverdlovsk region. The forum participants address a multitude of issues including the cooperation of civil society institutions with the authorities in their work aimed at countering corruption; the promotion of effective educational and other activities designed to rising anti-corruption awareness and popularization of anticorruption standards in society, etc.